Thursday, 18 August 2011

YouTube ^_^


This post is to annoy Anna 3 (or FULOFFY, as we affectionatley call her), so if it sounds lame, it's on purpose...

Who loves YouTube? It is so awesome... I mean what is better than Tobuscus or Llamas with Hats or Kids react to ______ or Tobuscus or Justin Beiber making embarrasing mistakes (such as admitting he doesn't know what a german is FAIL) or Charlie the Unicorn or Tobuscus!? 

Seriously when Catherine and Fuloffy came to stay in January, Squid n I hardly got off YouTube, we stayed up ALL night watching stuff on it... how awesome!? 

And Fuloffy can't STAND it when I recommend YouTube videos... sooo guess what I'm going to do next? ...Wait for it.... RECOMMEND YOUTUBE VIDEOS

So we can start with Tobuscus... I recommend ALL his videos apart from if they say HOT in the name, look up his literal trailers, especially Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 and POTC 4. 

Harry Potter and the Order of Umbridge. 

Charlie the Unicorn (Being pathetic comes SO naturally to me, its a bit worrying, but moving on swiftly...)

Movie Traliers

Numa numa guy! This guy is AWESOME! 


Julian Smith... don't get me started on this one... just go to YouTube and look 'im up. Seriously.

Just to let you know, this is *JUST* a joke and I don't mean to offend ANYONE *angelicgrins* :)

AnNa 2 



  1. By the way, one of the Harry Potter ones, I forget which, has Bad Language in it. Just to let everyone know.
    Anna 3

  2. It doesn't say anything extra-ordinarily awful though (nothing like the F word or summat lol, on Harry Potter and the Order of Umbridge it has B****y H**L (I would say it and not star it but some people might be offended and that implies that I swear which is not great... :S I don't. Really. How could I forget NigaHiga!? That was so stupid of me... And Guilty Dogs??? Duh. Guys, you really need to look up WooHoo Wu.
    AnNa 2
