Monday, 16 May 2011

Not long now.....

Hey all!!! (I'm not quite sure who all is, seeing as no one ever reads this blog!)

I have just realised, that it is only 8 WEEKS till RORA HOUSE!!!!!

Only 8 weeks from now and there will be...
1/ Meeting up with friends again!!!
2/ Chating with friends again!
3/Country dancing (oh yay....)
4/ The Rora House Tuck Shop!!! (YESSS!!!! it will be there in all its glory! I've already started putting aside my spare change for it! I call it the RHTSF! it stands for the Rora House Tuck Shop Fund!)
5/ Running around doing crazy things with friends again!
6/Getting hyper with friends again!
7/Playing capture the flag! (again and again and again...)

well anyway its going to be good!!!!

looking forward and counting down to it!
at the start of june thats when i start counting down the days!!!



  1. We also need to bring Haribo too! I happen to probably to be going to the Haribo factory shop on Friday. Oh yeah!!!
    Anna 3

  2. Oh man I so cannot wait until Rora!
    It's gunna be exactly 1 MONTH tomorrow!!! Anna 2

  3. TUCK SHOPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA I GET HYPER THINKING ABOUT IT!!!! I'm looking forward to all the things you are so I don't really need to write another thing lol Anna2
