Saturday, 19 February 2011

Well this is cool

Hello all this is my first time at blogging so far great fun. if i spell something wrong blame it on my Mum the person who teaches me lol. So how is everyone i am up early for a saturday as  i am off to my youth leaders wedding yay........ i don't believe it nooooooo smily faces what has this world come to. i found Marty's post very good the one on Heaven , we did the same sermon and i learnt loads so here are some more questions lol marty.....
If judgement came tonight how do you know you are a christain ????   if you want the asnwers  just ask after the wonderful CHARLOTTE EMMA JARVIS  .  next one .... if you like something really badly like i love playing tennis ok well will tennis ect be in tennis because all good things that everyone likes is going to be in heaven ....... bye bye bye bye


  1. hummm interesting thoughts there.
    to the first question i would say this, if you know that God really exists and that Jesus died for you, and that you have put your all trust in jesus, then i would call that being saved!
    also our youth group leader said that if you have in your body even a tiny bit of love towards God then you could tell that you have been saved.
    Marty xxx

  2. Hey have fun at your youth leaders wedding!!!

  3. Great answers marty my youth leader said nearly the same thing if you love the lord and other christains WANT to be saved then don't worry about the furture live you now life with god :P Charlotte xx

  4. One teeny little question, who is Charlotte? I don't remember emailing any one called Charlotte.
    Anna 3

  5. I am charlotte jarvis marty back me up on this one :P
